It is hard to be satisfied with life if you’re never satisfied with yourself and your own efforts. 2019 has been a year where I trained harder than ever but didn’t quite get the results I’d hoped for. Whilst I got one PB this year I’m not quite satisfied with my diet and strength training.

I’m a firm believer that if you keep turning up and are honest with yourself in trying to improve every aspect of your training then the results will follow. After Dublin 2019 I set about making a plan for 2020. The aim is to do some shorter A races on route to the big goal in October. Those A races are highlighted in bold below. I’m committed to learning more about strength training and nutrition, which is increasingly important as I get older.

Lanzarote November 24th — 10K Road

Lanzarote November 25th — 13K Volcano (Mountain)

Lanzarote November 26th — 5K Beach

Lanzarote November 27th — 21K Trail

December 3rd — Indoor 1 Mile

December 17th — Indoor Mile

December 26th Streets of Wicklow 5K

December 28th Ardagh 10 Mile

January 1st Tom Brennan 5K

January 5th Dublin Masters XC

January 12th Leinster Masters XC

January 14th — Indoor

January 28th — Indoor

February 8th — National Masters XC

February 11th — Indoor

February 18th — Indoor

March 8th National Masters Indoors

April 5th — National 10K

April 19th National Road Relays Masters Team

May 10 — Sportsworld 5 Mile

June 10K — TBC

Late July — Half Marathon TBC

August — Half Marathon 5–6 weeks out from Dublin

Dublin Marathon 2020