The 5 AM Club is a book by Robin Sharma about a daily philosophy for becoming legendary. I heard Robin interviewed recently on the Jay Shetty podcast and was immediately interested in picking up a copy of his latest book. You could listen to this on Audible or buy it on Kindle but its a much better idea to get your highlighter out for this read and take loads of notes. I’m just 5 chapters in but so far I’ve picked up some insightful cliff notes.

The first words that stuck with me were “we need to remember that our excuses are seducers, fears are liars and doubts are thieves”. Too many of us die at 30, wake up at 40 realising we are mortal then waste 40 more years waiting to be buried. The great tragedy of life is not death but what we let die inside of us whilst we live. We must not let the pain of an imperfect past hinder the glory of a fabulous future. The term “Imagionationalist” describes one of those rare individuals who lead from the nobility of the future versus via the prison bars of ones past.

A question I have been debating with myself lately has I gone too far in the direction of an easy life? If everything seems under control, am I going fast enough? I need my hope restored that my past decision were good ones.

There is a true joy to be found in life when it’s used for a purpose recognised by yourself as a mighty one. The world will not devote itself to making you happy. You need to find something you are passionate about and feverishly work to master it. Nobody will save you from putting in the hard work. Habit and persistence are paramount.

Robins words on persevering with change are strangely reassuring. All change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end. When you truly want something and go after it without disbelief. The power of the universe will make it happen.