Over the winter months I get lots of value from my gym membership. For whatever reason spending more time lifting, spinning or running indoors comes easy in the cold winter months. Come April a maintenance phase kicks in.

This Christmas whilst laid up with the broken toe I spent a bit of time trying to come up with a good strength routine, using BodyBuilding.com. It’s a routine that I have done twice a week for the past 7 weeks and one that will see me through until the end of February.

I’m seeing allot of benefits already. I’m back running at a relatively decent level after a nine week lay-off and my mood is good. On top of that I’m looking leaner and feeling stronger.  I’m doing 3 sets with 8 reps. This is different from my old low weight / high rep approach and it works better.  My leg routine is falling by the wayside, as has my progress log but hey that was inevitable.

Hammer Curl
Dubbell Press
Push Up
Barbell Pullovers
Bicep Curls
Skull Crushers
Bench Dip
Side Raises
Front Raises
Pec Fly
Shoulder Press
Lateral Raises
Lat Pull Down
Tricep Dips