Back in August I started doing yoga for the first time on Wednesday mornings. Thinking I’m fit and strong I expected it to be easy. It turned out to be quite the opposite. I’ve always been quite weak and tight in the shoulders and years of running haven’t improved on that. Yoga gave me an entirely new perspective rooted in simply listening to my body. I’ve been able to check in with my body and ask myself – How am I feeling today? What is my energy level? My mental state? taking the time and space to evaluate my body and my mental space.

Almost 6 months later the main thing that has stuck with me the most from the class wasn’t the perfect downward dog, it was the essential oils that the instructor used. Some yoga teachers diffuse essential oils during class to enhance the uplifting experience. Others anoint students with oil-infused hands as they drift into Shavasana.

Essential oils are potent (and rare), hence their relative high cost. But a drop or two usually go a long way. One drop of Peppermint Essential Oil is equivalent to 28 cups of peppermint tea! They come from aromatic compounds—found in plant seeds, bark, stems, roots, and flowers—have long been a favorite with the aromatherapy crowd and those who tout the oils’ ability to enhance mental and emotional wellness, relieve sore muscles, and support physical and spiritual well-being.

Essential oils are also being integrated into the holistic management and treatment of diseases for a wide range of illnesses including cancer, respiratory conditions, asthma, migraines and heart disease.

Essential oils are powerful, but like a good yoga practice they are a journey as there are many different solutions and options available. Finding which solution works for you is part of the process and the reward. We are lucky here in Ireland that there is a great company Atlantic Aromatics selling high quality, certified organic, essential oils. A couple of drops of Frankincense will lift your mood in no time.

There is a tonne of podcasts and articles on how to use essential oils.  For me this is better than a green smoothie.  I’m addicted to diffusing the oils throughout the house.

My 10 favorites so far are

Cinnamon Bark: Supports metabolic function, oral health, cleaning, etc
Eucalyptus: Supports healthy respiration, skin, cleansing, etc
Frankincense: Supports healthy cellular health, skin, emotions, etc
Lavender: Universal oil. Calming, skin health and recovery, flavoring, etc
Lemon: For increasing energy, digestive and respiratory support, cleaning, etc
Oregano: Powerful cleansing agent, healthy immune/digestion/respiratory function, etc
Peppermint: Wonderful for digestive/respiratory function, energy, cooling, etc
Tea Tree (Melaleuca): Cleansing, healthy immune function, skin complexion, etc
Wild Orange: Emotional balance, overall health, cleansing/purifying, antioxidants, etc
Ylang Ylang: Promotes healthy skin and hair, calming, etc