I’m sitting her writing this on February 6th 2016. It’s been almost 12 weeks since I jumped up too quickly and stubbed my toe on the side of the couch. I’m back running now 4 times a week but there can be no getting away from the fact that this has taken a hell of allot longer to heal than I was lead to believe.

Doctors told me 4-6 weeks, whilst friends both online and off said 10 days. In reality the really tough to walk on pain only lasted around 7 days but the swelling and stiffness lasts long after the bone has healed, as does the frustration. I always find that it takes  months to build a good habit but only a small amount of weak will power to loose it.

I started cycling  within 5 days of the accident, in hindsight this was stupid. I should have given it too weeks or learned to be a better swimmer. I tried some new supplements, ate lots of calcium but nothing can take away from the nagging feeling I have poor bone health. Why was the healing so slow? Is drinking diet soda responsible for that?

Back in December I hit the gym hard. Spinning became my best friend and 5-6 classes a week  let me keep my strength, speed and endurance at a good level. I started to get to know people in the gym after 2 years of never speaking to anyone. If i had an introverted emoji it would be inserted here.   During my season of freezing cold winter gym attendance I  went back to doing weight training a couple times a week and have managed to stick to it.

The differences are immediately obvious I have never felt stronger. In January I was ready to start running again. I did 10 minutes every other day, including some slow hill climbs on the mindless treadmill.

I’m now back running 4 times a week. I don’t want to race until April so slow and steady is key.  I feel like I’m in good shape to PB at 1500M and 5K later in the summer. It’s gonna be interesting. My current easy pace is 4.45 per kilometer and my fast pace is 3.55. I’m knocking a few seconds off that every week. Cross training worked but  I need to take more care of my bones. It one of those silent killers. Park run in 2-3 weeks will let me gauge my fitness.