The last few months have been very tough going. Despite starting a new job That I am enjoying, I have not been feeling very well. My diet has been bad, even beyond control at times. Added to this, I seem to have gotten one cold after another and have been putting up with a lot of injuries. At times I felt like things were spiraling out of control. Many times I’ve considered giving up running entirety. However now there seems to be some light at the end of the tunnel. On Tuesday I get my test results back. I’m not a religious person but fingers crossed that they will be good and allow me to start a new chapter. I need to feel better than this.

This Morning I ran my second road race of the year. I can’t say that I really killed myself but at the same time I finished in 30 minutes for 5 miles. My fitness levels are now back at 2010 levels. I have not ran well now in over nine months.

It is going to be a difficult path ahead, a fresh start.I need to fix my diet, In order to improve my overall health. If I can manage this much, then my running will surely improve. However nothing is set in stone, there are sure to be be some dark And lonely days ahead. As much as I love running this has to be about more than that. Life has gotten away from me of late and I want control back.