I have crumbled and had my worst few weeks in a long time. I could need help. Old habits long put to bed have returned and all the good work from November – January has been undone. I can try to conceal it but the truth is that it’s sugar is a drug and I’m addicted. My latest episode of “falling off the wagon” began with a late night trip to Tesco, cold, wet and hungry after a terrible run at a cross country race in Laois. The race left me aching from every body part. Whilst I doubt one race caused all the issues by itself, two achilless strains, a bruised toe on my left foot and a stress fracture on my right toe followed and so did bad eating habbits.

During 10 days of recovery from the stress fracture I started a new job and my diet went down the toilet. Now 4 pounds later tomorrow it’s time for a reboot. My lunch is packed and my diet needs a complete overhaul. I need to get interested in trying new things and get off sugar and cut down on carbs. The diet and road to recovery plan are up on the notice board and only I’m responsible. The years are flying by and this one will be no different. The next few days are going to be a come down from the highs and lows but the future awaits.

I hope to run 50-60 miles this week and have my first appointmnet with the  blood  specialist on Monday. This week may make or break me.